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Random Noun

If you're in need of a random noun, that's exactly what this random noun tool provides. This generator is helpful for when you're specifically in need of a noun rather than a random word. This generator provides a single noun at a time, and you can click on "next noun" to create another one. If you're in need of a random noun generator that creates more than one random noun at a time, you can find that here.

What Are Nouns?

Nouns are the parts of a sentence and speech that are used to name specific places, people or things. They're one of the fundamental components of a sentence and speech. While there are a number of different ways they can be used, they're most often used as the main object of a verb or they're found as the main word in the subject of a clause.

How Many Nouns Are There?

Nobody knows the exact number of nouns that exist in the English language. There are at a minimum 500,000 nouns in English and most estimates put the number of nouns at 1,000,000 if not more. One way to make an educated guess at how many nouns there are in the English language is to assume there are roughly 2,000,000 words and that 50% - 75% of all words are nouns. This would give us the result of there being between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 nouns in English. No matter the exact number, these estimates show the fundamental importance of nouns in English.

What Are The Different Types of Nouns?

There are a number of different types of nouns that are often classified into different categories. Below you can find some of these categories for different types of nouns.

  1. Abstract Nouns: These nouns refer to theoretical concepts such as anger, luck, and sacrifice.
  2. Collective Nouns: These nouns refer to groups of things such as flock as in "a flock of seagulls" or hive as in "a hive of bees."
  3. Common Nouns: These nouns refer to an unspecific place, person or thing such as jam, tree or computer.
  4. Concrete Nouns: These nouns refer to real things that can be physically experienced by one or more of the five senses. Some examples would be whale, voice, and coffee.
  5. Countable Nouns: These nouns refer to things that can be counted such as apple, car, and baby.
  6. Pronouns: These nouns are nouns that can be used in place of other nouns such as we, it, and they.
  7. Proper Nouns: These nouns are a non-generic name for a thing, person, or place such as Australia, Yosemite, and Barbie.
  8. Uncountable Nouns: These nouns don't have a plural form such as gilt, fame, electricity, and air. They are sometimes also referred to as Mass Nouns.

Random Nouns for Writers

There are actually quite a few ways that this tool can be used depending on what your goal happens to be. For example, if you happen to be a writer, you can use this tool to help spur your writing creativity by producing a random noun and writing a sentence, a paragraph, or a short story that corresponds to the random noun. In the same way, you can use it to get your creative juices flowing at the beginning of the day by just getting you to begin writing using the random nouns that appear.

Learning English

With nouns being such an important part of the English language, they're a great way for those learning English to improve. Using this tool can help improve vocabulary and it can be a fun and interesting way to learn new words. Since you have no idea what word will appear each time you visit the generator, you're bound to come across a large number of nouns to add to your current vocabulary while also confirming the ones you already know.


There are quite a few creative ways to use this random tool to play games with friends or family. A simple game would be to generate a random noun and then have the participants write down as many words as possible that are related to that particular noun with each word counting as a point. Play as many rounds as you want and add up the score at the end. This can be adapted in a lot of different ways limited only by your own creativity.

These are just a few of the many ways this tool gets used by those who visit. No matter how you ultimately use the random noun generator, we hope that you find it useful. We would love to hear from you if you have suggestions or ideas on how this tool can be improved in the future. Please take a moment to contact us and let us know so we can consider adding your ideas in future updates to this tool.

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